Build a Successful Brand

  • Logo & Brand Identity

Dive into our blog and discover how to build a successful brand. Gain valuable insights and practical tips for establishing a compelling brand presence.


Do You Want To Start A Cool Brand Quickly?

We acknowledge that you are really confused about what it is like to make a brand. What is a brand? and how to ask the right questions to build a memorable brand? A brand that represents your passion and what you deliver to your audience. We will answer all of these questions and show you the right way to build your brand, think about your audience, and what the right questions to answer to start building your brand from scratch.

What Is A Brand?

According to Investopedia, the term "brand" refers to a business and marketing concept that helps people identify a particular company, product, or individual. Brands are intangible, which means you can't touch or see them. As such, they help shape people's perceptions of companies, their products, or individuals. Brands commonly use identifying markers to help create brand identities within the marketplace. They provide enormous value to the company or individual, giving them a competitive edge over others in the same industry. As such, many entities seek legal protection for their brands by obtaining trademarks.

What Is It Really Like To Make A Brand?

Starting your own brand goes miles beyond the product. People don’t buy products, they buy the stories you tell, the fantasy of fulfilling what they want to be.

They want value. Let’s explain this. You walk into Starbucks, you order a cappuccino, a little sweet drink to celebrate the weekend. They actually give you your drink in a plain cup; no branding, just a plain cup. The taste doesn’t change, but your drink no longer looks Instagram-worthy. You happen to be unable to tell a story that revolves around buying this overpriced coffee drink. The total cost for a tall sized cappuccino at Starbucks is $2.75, yet it cost them $1 to make. That includes labor, cups, taxes, and all other costs. Essentially, you pay $1.75 for the logo on your coffee cup. What makes that little colorful logo worthy?


Branding is when your logo comes to mind when people talk about something, or what is called "Top of Mind Awareness". When you "Google" something, "Xerox" your notes, and "Fedex" a package. That’s building a solid brand, filling a market gap properly, and becoming the gold standard for providing your service to the broadest audience. It’s not only about names; it can be about colors, shapes, designs.

Hero’s Journey

Sometimes what you’re buying is a hero’s story!

When AirBnB decided to shift from being a booking service into building customer loyalty, they capitalized on the idea of "belong everywhere" where each user can envision themselves going to their favorite destination. They can belong anywhere and for a fraction of the cost. That positions AirBnb not as a booking proxy but as the weapon empowering their heroes, AKA customers. That’s the power of a brand. A successful brand doesn’t sell you a product, it sells you a story where you can be the hero.

If you look forward to creating your identity and need help with telling your story,

Crepixa is here to help!

Let us make pixels talk for you!